Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Price of truth

At one night I shocked to hear a question of ‘do you want to hear the truth or happy enough by not knowing it?’ WDZG!!! aka GUBRAKZ!!
Hm.. Honestly that was a very hard question to be answered.
If I choose to hear the truth, it will hurt me for sure!
Meanwhile, I can’t tolerate liar and will sorry for myself by not knowing the truth…

(Kalo bahasa keren nya siy, serasa makan buah simalakama getu deiiih)

Well now, the question to you, guy is “Are you ready to hear the truth no matter how bad it will hurt you?” Hm... k
nowing that it’s very humanity that sometime we prefer not to hear the truth for the sake of our own feeling, our own denfesive sense :(
I notice people knew, they had been told the untruth but they don’t care. They feel happy enough to hear all the goodness of anything.
And in my opinion that’s because they aren’t ready to be sad and to be hurt.

But I choose to hear only truth… and will survive no matter how painful it will be! I believe that my life would be very meaning full, if honesty is around me. Please don’t lie to me yah hun….!

Buat sunshine, seberapa manisnya jeruk yang dibeli dari mas-mas tukang jualan jeruk, akan terasa masam kalo kita akhirnya tahu jeruk itu adalah hasil mencuri.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

insya 4JJI aku akan sll jujur sm kmu hun.tp skrg kmu dah ga sedih kan?krn aku ga pernah berniat utk nyakitin kmu.emg lebh baik kmu tau yg sbnrnya skrg kan?drpd tau blkgan & dr org lain?mdh2an semua yg qta rncnkan berjln lncr.amien.ada kbr dr papi blm?juni siap kan? =)

9:09 PM  
Blogger Ria said...

hm..hm..hm..i smell sumthin here ;P.
Mbakyu, kunanti critamu!

2:02 AM  
Blogger Rudyland said...

I've been thinking...
yet I still don't know the answer..

-- "the truth is outthere"- x-files

12:24 AM  
Blogger ISTRI LUCU said...

Rudy & Ria,
Let it's said by itself when the air says 'this is the time'.

Btw Rud.. boso jowomu kok dadi koyo banyu ngono hehehe

dicatet...... :p

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

laris maniiiiisss.... saiki kok wis mambu kembang kanthil yo?

12:11 AM  

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